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2022 Prize Winners

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

We are delighted to announce the Puzzles of the Month prize winners from our 2022 competitions.

Over 50 people were invited invited by the POTM team to receive brownies last week.

In addition to these students, we had a few candidates who did exceptionally well, and they were awarded giftcards to use at the school tuck shop - which runs on Fridays!

There was excellent engagement with the quizzes, with 100+ students submitting an entry last year. I would like to congratulate everyone who took part.

Please don't be too disheartened if you didn't win this time, because we will be running a new competiton in Febuary, where more prizes must be won!

We look forward to seeing more entries to our next quiz.

Have a great weekend.

Puzzles of the Month team

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